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A player can skip a stage with a scoring penalty; levels not completed in the 5 hour limit are also penalized against the player. For a game meant to measure your intelligence, it has a way of making you feel like quite the dummy. Apply for Mensa on your PSP. Practical Intelligence Quotient 2 is a nice alternative to some of the more lighthearted puzzle games out there. Masuo Koyasu at Kyoto University. The Last of Us Part 2: pq2 practical intelligence quotient

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PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient 2

But when it really comes down to quotiemt, whether or not the game can actually measure the player's intelligence is secondary to whether or not the game is any fun, right? Quicker than the Puzzle Test, but still not necessarily "quick," this mode sends five random puzzles at you to be completed within 10 minutes.

intellgence In short, Quotieent breaks from the academic pen-and-paper assessment of IQ in favor of an applied measure of logic and reasoning. A player can skip a stage with a scoring penalty; levels not completed in the 5 hour limit are also penalized against the player.

Release Date June 12, All this publication's reviews. Puzzles are completely three-dimensional, which requires a bit of camera work with either the analog stick for free movement or the L and R movement for angled shifts.

pq2 practical intelligence quotient

PQ2like its predecessoris all about measuring your practical intelligence, or PQ for short. PQ2 players use the PSP system's infrastructure mode to take their score online to measure their brain power against their PQ2 helps players calculate their intelligence by using the PQ scoring system practiical on the number of moves and the speed with which they complete more than puzzles. Retrieved from " https: If he catches you, you're forced to restart the puzzle.

The test serves as the keystone in Practicafunctioning both as the game's main mode and PQ measurement. Players create their own puzzles and share with friends utilizing the PSP system's gamesharing mode or utilize infrastructure mode to upload puzzles and download new ones. The player is given a total cumulative time of 5 hours to complete all puzzles; time is only counted while the player is performing the puzzles, and the player can save and come back at any time without time penalty.

pq2 practical intelligence quotient

A great puzzle game with a decided twist in its presentation. It's quite a commitment, but you'll have a real feeling of accomplishment if you make it through. Practical Intelligence Quotient 2 shares many features with the first PQ game and similar platform-like puzzle games. If you're not hung up on graphics and you don't mind a little challenge, PQ2 is one of the better puzzle offerings on the PSP. Official Playstation 2 Magazine UK. PQ2 builds on the good foundation of the original and addresses many of its weaknesses, offering a bigger, better puzzle experience.

PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient

The game's difficulty level would ideally be roundly applauded, too, but often you'll be jeering. It's easily one of the best puzzle games if not the best on the PSP.

Finishing the test is awfully hard because of its length and the ever-increasing difficulty of the puzzles. This page was last edited on 17 Quotienyat In total, there are over puzzles, or in layman's terms different reasons to pull your hair out.

PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient 2 - Wikipedia

The main game is presented as an intelligence test of stages. The player's score is based on the number of "moves" excluding walking around on the stage, the time it took to complete it, and the number of attempts at that stage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This in and of itself would make for a challenging game; however, PQ2 packs practcial several other types of obstacles that increase practixal difficulty considerably.

For a game meant to measure your intelligence, it has a way of making you feel like quite the dummy.

pq2 practical intelligence quotient

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critics What's this? Your objective in each puzzle is to reach a goal beacon while contending with a variety of obstacles along the way. December 21, NA: PQ2 is meant to be a challenging test of your practical intelligence, but the game misses the mark with puzzles so hard that you're not likely to even finish the core one.

PQ2 players use the PSP system's infrastructure mode to take their score online to measure their brain power against their friends, their country and even their gender. Find out more about PQ2: Now Production Genre s:

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